The issue of multiple purchasing stakeholders is demonstrated in the example of a disability sports product. (Torrens and Black 2011) Coaches, club secretaries, sport federations, sponsors, family, friends, healthcare and education professionals can all have an influence on the decision to purchase a product. Each will perceive a different emphasis for the product, from the need for portability and handling by carers, who support the athlete, to cost and storage considered by club secretaries. All must be suitably satisfied before the sports product will be purchased.
The use of a survey/interview that includes a Likert scale is required to obtain a nominal number from each stakeholder/participant. The outcomes are useful to identify differences and commonalities within a developing product design specification.
It should be noted that with each new prototype or realised concept that is shown to participants, their understanding of what they want and to what they aspire to have will change.

Useful links
Torrens, G.E., 2012. Assistive Technology product to Universal design: A way forward, Design For All India, 7 (7), pp.182-205 Available at: (, Accessed: [23/09/2015]
Torrens, GE and Black, K (2011) Equipment design in inclusive physical activity and disability sport. In Riobas, AC, Stamatakis, E, Black, K (ed) Design for Sport, Gower, pp.153-178, Available at: (, Accessed: [23/09/2015]